Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day.  Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear.

 Obituary Post Date: 

Susan Parry Echols, 75, of Lincoln, died March 1, 2019. Born in Washington, D.C., the daughter of William S. Parry and Patricia Howard. Susan studied for her undergrad at University California at Santa Barbara and University of Washington, Seattle, she then continued to receive her masterrsquo s degree at Emporia for Library Science. She married Claude Gary Echols on November 21, 1962. Susan is survived by her husband, GaryDaughter, Pam EcholsGranddaughter, Caitlin Schwahn (Charles II)2 great grandchildrenSister, Patricia StahlBrother, Steve Parry (Becky)Nieces and nephews. Susan shared her wealth of knowledge as the head librarian at Bryan LGH Nursing School for 33 years, a job in which she took great pride.No Service/ Cremation.

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