Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day.  Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear.

 Obituary Post Date: 

Jan Crosby passed away April 2,2021 She was born October 23, 1956 to Warren and Audrey Firestone She married Kerry Crosby in June of 1977 They had two children, Kendra and Tyson She is survived by her mother, Audrey Bartolome, husband Kerry, daughter Kendra (Dan) Parson, son Tyson and granddaughters Mackenzie, Addison and Kalleigh.Jan didnrsquo t want a funeral because she said they are too sad and she would have none of that A party of our memories will be held April 11 at the Isles reception hall, 6232 Havelock from 4 to 8 PM where beer and pizza will be served per her instructions In addition, check your tears at the door because, well, Grandma said. Please donrsquo t send flowers as Jan thought that was a terrible waste of money If you choose to, send a memorial directing it to the family for a permanent memorial to be placed at Branched Oak State Recreation Area which was her happy place. If you wish to send the family a Memorial,pleasemail thto the address below and we will send themdirectly tothe family. text-align: start color: #333333 text-align: start Alternative Funeral & Cremation ServicesAttn: Janet Crosby Familytext-align: start 245 N. 27th Street, Suite Btext-align: start Lincoln, NE 68503

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